niseko international clinic
<Summer Season Open Hours(Mar 21 - Mid Dec)>
Please also check ”NEWS" section for irregular schedules.
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Relesing Waiting Queue System for【Fever Clinic】

The fever clinic’s booking system will change to waiting queue system. Please take a ticket number prior to your visit (The waiting queue ticket number of the fever clinic starts from 300~).

※Bookings open at 8am for AM slots and 10am for PM slots on the same day. You cannot book a day in advance.
※Please make an appointment for one slot per person.

The fever clinic does not have waiting space. Please go to the bottom of our web bookin site to check waiting queue status and come to the fever clinic when your number is about 2-3 numbers before yours. We deeply appreciate your understanding and cooperation on this matter.

Web Booking Site from here